Season 2, Episode 1 - Lectio Divina on Lamentations 3: 1-3, 18-24
/Hi friends,
Welcome to Season 2 of the podcast!
After a pretty long hiatus, we are starting Season 2 of the podcast, focusing on sustainability and serving by offering episodes that give space for connection with God.
Not much is changing except that we’ll be doing shorter introductions, with occasional podcast episodes that are just times to catch up on what and how we are doing around here.
I also have ideas of episodes that are simple readings of scripture or prayers. Let’s see what comes up!
The meditation starts at 03:55, if you’d like to jump right to it. This week it’s a Lectio Divina on Lamentations 3: 1-3, 18-24 with Neil.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.
Here’s the episode on YouTube.
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We are so grateful!
Much love to you all,