Episode #75- A Short Lectio Divina on Jeremiah 17: 7-8


Hi, beloved ones,

My heart hurts for the world and for the U.S. right now. There is so much sorrow and pain, erupting from years of injustice. I am thankful for those who are stepping up to speak out against racism and injustice. We should all be using our voices and praying for justice and for peace. 

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Ro and I were able to sit together this week after a labyrinth walk meditation and record an intro to the podcast. This labyrinth meditation at the garden since February, and we did it with social distancing and masks. A new reality, same garden, same Spirit, same Creator.

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* We talk about what’s been going on around here, including the little bits, step by step attitude we’ve been holding. 

* We’re introducing some shorter meditations, and this is the first. Ro guides a Lectio Divina from Jeremiah 17: 7-8, and the whole thing is only about 20 minutes long.

 (If you want to skip to the meditation, it starts at 7:00)

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com. We're so thankful for your support, which helps pay the bills for our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!