We've been on hiatus, but we're starting again soon with Season 2 of the podcast.


Hi dear friends,

Thanks so much for your patience as the podcast has been on an unannounced hiatus. As some (but not all) of you know, we have spent time recently helping some of our community members (Brendan and Leaf, dear, dear, important, essential community members) transition back to their home country. Even the words home country feel strange. Country of citizenship, we might say.

The move was unexpected, health-related, and very sad. We all did our best to smother the situation in love, and we are grieving, especially since many people who usually help with our community in Pai, long term and short term, cannot come back into Thailand at this time.

Thus, a hiatus in the podcast. And in this time, I have been dreaming up new things, envisioning how to best serve and encourage through this medium.

So, we will be launching Season 2 of the Shekina Meditation Podcast! Look for it soon. :)

See you then,



Support us on Patreon for as little as a dollar a month! It lets us know that you want the podcast to continue, and we really rely on this support. Thanks so much!