Season 2 Episode 23- Lectio Divina on Psalm 143: 5-8

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Hi beloveds,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 23 of the podcast. 

Today’s meditation is a Lectio Divina on Psalm 143: 5-8 with Rae.

This meditation has three parts, with Rae guiding you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation, with lots of space between the verses. 

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 22- Fruit of the Spirit Series with Neil - 1/9 : Love

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Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 22 of the podcast. 

 Today’s meditation is Part 1 of 9 in a series on the Fruit of the Spirit with Neil. Today’s meditation is on Love, with Lectio Divina on 1 Cor 13: 1-8. 

This meditation has three parts, with Neil guiding you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation on love with some guided questions and lots of space for your own contemplation. 

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 21- Lectio Divina on Psalm 36: 5-9

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Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 21 of the podcast. 

Today’s meditation is a Lectio Divina on Psalm 36: 5-9 with Ro.

This meditation has three parts, with Ro guiding you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation, with lots of space between the verses. 

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 20 - Contemplation of Nature with Rae

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Hi beloveds!

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 20 of the podcast. 

Today’s meditation is contemplation of nature meditation with Rae guiding through a different set of questions than we usually use for contemplation of nature. 

This meditation has three parts, with Rae guiding you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation and guiding questions.

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 19- Lectio Divina on Isaiah 42: 1-7 with Naomi

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Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 19 of the podcast. 

Today’s meditation is a Lectio Divina on Isaiah 42: 1-7 with Naomi 

This meditation has three parts, with Naomi guiding you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation, with lots of space between the verses. 

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 17- Short Lectio Divina on Psalm 25:4-5 with Ro

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Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 17 of the podcast. 

Wow! Thank you so much for your patience. We had technical difficulty after technical difficulty as we tried to get this podcast edited and uploaded. Finally here it is!

(During the intro, my voice is a bit muffled- I recorded wearing a mask—but the meditation itself is fine.)

Today’s meditation is a short Lectio Divina on psalm 25:4 and 5 with Ro. Ro will guide you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation, with lots of space between the verses. 

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 16- Lectio Divina on Psalm 23 with Ro

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Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 16 of the podcast. 

Today’s meditation is a lectio Divina on psalm 23 with Ro. Ro will guide you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation, with lots of space between the verses. 

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 15- Meditation on A.C.T.S. prayer- 4/4 with Neil - Supplication

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Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 15 of the podcast. 

We have something special today; Part 4 of a four-part series on the ACTS way of prayer with Neil.

This week Neil guides a meditation on the ‘S’ in ACTS:  Supplication: with lstories from : John 1 and Mark 10

He’ll guide you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation, with some guiding questions.

I loved this series, and I hope you do, too. 

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 14- Meditation on ACTS prayer with Neil- 3/4- Thanksgiving

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 E 14.png

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 14 of the podcast. 

We have something special today; Part 3 of a four part series on the ACTS way of prayer with Neil.

This week Neil guides a meditation on the ‘T’ in ACTS:  Thanksgiving: with lectio divina from Col 3: 5-17. 

He’ll guide you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation, with some guiding questions.

I loved this series, and I hope you do, too. 

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 13 - Meditation on A.C.T.S. prayer 2/4 - Confession

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 E 13.png

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 13 of the podcast. 

We have something special today; Part 2 of a four part series on the ACTS way of prayer with Neil.

This week Neil guides a meditation on the ‘C’ in ACTS:  Confession: with lectio divina from 1 John 1: 8 - 2:2. He’ll guide you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation, with some guiding questions.

I loved this series, and I hope you do, too. 

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 12 - Meditation on A.C.T.S. Prayer 1/4 - Adoration- with Neil

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 E 12.png

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 12 of the podcast. 

We have something special today; the beginning of a four part series on the ACTS way of prayer with Neil.

This week Neil guides a meditation on the ‘A’ in ACTS:  Adoration: with lectio divina from Romans 11:33-36.

He’ll guide you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation, with some guiding questions.

I loved this series, and I hope you do, too. 

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 11- Imagination Meditation on Luke 2: 41-52 with Neil

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 E 11.png

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 11 of the podcast! In this episode, Neil guides an imagination meditation on Luke 2:41-52.

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,


Season 2 Episode 10- Imagination Meditation on Luke 18: 1-17 with Ro

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 E 10.png

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 10. In this episode, Ro guides an imagination meditation on Luke 18: 9-17. Enjoy.

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful,


Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 ep 9.png

Dear friends,

This episode contains Rae guiding a Lectio Divina meditation on Psalm 46: 1-5.

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

Thank you!

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 8- Short Lectio Divina on Mary's Song with Ro

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 ep 8.png

Dear friends,

This episode contains Ro guiding a short Lectio Divina meditation on Mary’s Song from Luke 1:46-55. 

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful,


Season 2 Episode 7- Lectio Divina on John 1: 1-5 with Ro

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 ep 7.png

Dear listeners,

This podcast episode contains Ro guiding a Lectio Divina meditation on John 1: 1-5 from three translations: NIV, TPT and The Voice. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful,

Sending love and prayers,


Season 2 Episode 6- Lectio Divina on Mark 6: 1-6 with Neil

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 ep 6.png

Dear listeners,

I’m sending love. What a time we are in. I’m finding comfort in the nurture of meditation, the reconnection with the true things that are always true, will never be untrue, like the unchanging love of the Trinity.

This episode contains Neil guiding a Lectio Divina on Mark 6:1-6.

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so grateful! 

Sending love and prayers,


Season 2, Episode 5.5- Bonus : Mary's Story

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Dear ones,

This is an extra episode of the podcast. Our Christmas Eve celebration was beautiful, and part of it was Ro and I reading a story I wrote a couple of years ago. It’s a retelling of the story of Jesus’s birth called Mary’s Story.

I thought I would record it and share it with you. Enjoy!

Back next week with more meditation. 

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are thankful,

Much love to you all,


Season 2, Episode 5- Imagination Meditation on the Baptism of Jesus with Rae

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 ep 5.png

Hi friends!

This episode contains Rae guiding an imagination meditation based on the Baptism of Jesus.

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so grateful! 

Much love to you all,


Season 2, Episode 4- Contemplation of Nature with Ro

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 ep 4.png

Hi friends!

This episode contains Ro guiding a Contemplation of Nature meditation.

We are now on Spotify! 

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 
Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so grateful! 

Much love to you all,
