Episode #56- Lectio Divina on Psalm 91: 1-7 with Scion


Hi friends,

The weeks are speeding by and the air is getting cool and crisp around here. Yesterday we starting talking about what we will do for Christmas. Whoa! 

 Here’s what to expect in this episode:

* Ro and I chat about the week, including a village visit and intensive work in the food forest!

* Scion guides a Lectio Divina meditation on Psalm 91: 1-7

(Scion spent some time looking into the original words and language of the text, and used a paraphrase that he put together from that. It’s playful and deep.)

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 07:40.)

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Many blessings to all of you,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #54- Lectio Divina on Jonah 2: 1-7 with Neil


Hi friends,

 Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and Josh talk about the past week at Shekina Garden, including the finished garden beds!!

(PS, Josh says in the intro that they took us four years to build… which is true… kinda. We built an entire set of wood veggie beds, then realized we would have to keep replacing them every time they rotted, and built the brick beds we have today! Woot!)

Here’s a picture of the finished beds!


* Neil guides a Lectio Divina on Jonah 2: 1-7

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 04:30 but don’t skip the intro because it’s not a rotten piece of wood.) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Don’t forget to send us your photos of your meditation moments or circles!

Many blessings to all of you,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #52- Lectio Divina :: Verses on the Voice of God with Rae


Hi friends,

 Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I talk about our week, including a benefit evening, my new book, and the mosquitoes that are biting us.

* I guide a Lectio Divina meditation on the theme of the voice of God.

The verses I used were: 

Job 37: 1-3

Psalm 29: 3-8

Ezekiel 10: 5, 43: 2

1 Kings 19: 11-13

Matthew 3: 17

John 10: 4

Revelation 3: 20

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 07:13 but don’t skip the intro because you’ll miss all the talk of bats!) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

We mentioned my new book in the intro. Here’s a link you can follow to find it. 

Much love,

~ Rae


The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #51- Lectio Divina on Luke 6:27-36 with Neil


Hi friends,

 Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* I introduce the podcast with a little of what has been happening this week, including a visit from Leaf and Brendan, crafting together, and kids going to camp.

* Neil guides a Lectio Divina meditation on Luke 6: 27-36 

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 05:24 but don’t skip the intro because it’s not an old peanut shell.) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

I pray that you would find time to sit in the quiet this week. Much love,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #50- Lectio Divina on John 1: 29-34 with Neil


Hi friends,

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I chat about the week, including the first community lunch of the season, weird mud, and whittling.

* Neil guides a Lectio Divina meditation on John 1: 29-34. 

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 08:45 but don’t skip the intro because it contains lightness of spirit.) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

You really are lovely, I hope you know it!

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #49- Lectio Divina on Matthew 6: 25-33 with Laura


Hi friends,

And, we’re back! Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* I share a little about my trip and jet lag in the intro, as well as what we are up to this week.

* Laura guides a Lectio Divina meditation on Matthew 6: 25-33. (In the intro I accidentally say it was recorded at Shekina Garden- it wasn’t, it was recorded at a nearby guesthouse. You can even hear a different bird than usual.)

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 09:35 but don’t skip the intro because it’s not a withered vine. It’s not!) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Love and love, 

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #48- Lectio Divina on Psalm 131 with Ro


Hi friends,

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

*Ro and Neil chat about what’s happening in Pai, including long drives, acro jams, and two hundred birds.

* Ro guides a Lectio Divina meditation on Psalm 131.

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 05:35 but don’t skip the intro because you won’t hear what Neil spotted as his 200th species of bird. The suspense!) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Love and love, 

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #47- Lectio Divina on Isaiah 40: 28-31 with Rae


Hi beautiful ones. I’m on a little road trip, AND regular rhythms are not happening at the garden due to flooding, hence the late podcast episode. 

However, here are some things to think about: rivers, seas, smiles, music, carrots, and apples. Also trees. 

In the story of the Prodigal Son, the father told the older son, “All that I have has always been yours.” He said this because the older son was having a hard time, feeling like he worked hard and was left out of the party.

Whether or not you feel like that, it is always true for you. 

All that I have has always been yours.

 The sky, that pool of rainbowy water on the ground (don’t drink it, but you can look at it), the friendly dog who comes to say good morning. 

It belongs to our father, so it is ours, when we reach out for it. When we receive love through it. When we treasure what we have, no matter where on earth we are roaming. 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro offers a ground level insight into the flood, as well as talking about dear friends who are on their way and what’s been going on in Pai.

* I guide a Lectio Divina meditation on Isaiah 40: 28-31. 

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 07:10 but don’t skip the intro! It’s delicious.) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

I really love you, thank you for listening. 

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #45- Lectio Divina on Psalm 42 with Rae


Hello Dear Ones, 

The meditation today comes from Psalm 42, and verse 8 says, “By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me.” 

I’m saying that verse to myself today, all day long. It’s so good. To be the ones receiving that directed love. 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I discuss the week, including garden beds, yes, garden beds, helping a teen into his new school year, and planting rice. 

* I guide a Lectio Divina meditation on Psalm 42. 

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 07:50 but don’t skip the intro because you’ll miss the the symmetrical lines of rice.) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Have a beautiful week friends,

Love to you all,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #44- Many Version Lectio Divina on John 8:12 with Ro


Hello Friends, 

It’s so so rainy out! The kind where the ground is soaked and algae is growing on the stones, and you slip and slide and try to keep your balance, but end up looking like you’re doing interpretive dance, just walking down the street.

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I talk about the week (mistakenly calling this episode 45- it’s actually Episode 44) while sitting in a café, including new roof hats at the garden, tiny biting flies, and my trip to Mae Sot, where I visited my friends from The Charis Project, an organization that provides education and support for under-served migrant families. You can check them out here. 

* Ro guides a form of Lectio Divina where she reads John 8:12 in a lot of different versions, with a lot of space in between each reading. It’s a great way to truly soak in one verse.

The order of versions she uses are:

New Living Translation

The Message

The Passion Translation

The Voice

English Standard Version

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 07:17 but don’t skip the intro because you’ll miss the lulling sounds of rain behind our dulcet tones.) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Be loved and blessed dear friends!

Love to you all,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #41- Meditation on Light with Rae


Hi beautiful ones, 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I talk about the week we’ve just had, including coming home, my new book, singing, and   butterflies. 

* I guide a lectio divina on Light with a short introductory imagination meditation on moving around in the dark. 

I used a collection of verses from different translations: 

Psalm 119: 105

Matthew 4:16

John 1:5

John 8: 12

Ephesians 5: 13 and 14

Ro mentioned that she thinks this meditation is an excellent one for people who are new to meditation, so if know anyone like that, or you are new, feel free to share! 

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 08:03 but don’t skip the intro because it’s a bit like a rare butterfly.)

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

This morning I’m thinking of the seemingly endless juggling of life. Tasks, food, clothing, lists, prayers, views, talks, things to do, things to see, things to pay. And in the midst of it all, a call to come away and be at rest. I pray that you find a little circle for yourself today, a place to be at rest, even in your heart while you do the things you need to do. 

Love to you all,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #37- Lectio Divina on 1 Kings 19: 11-13 with Naomi


Hi loves, 

I hope you’ve had a beautiful weekend, and if you’re in any space that celebrates Father’s Day this weekend, an excellent Father’s Day. Maybe a day of remembering, or celebrating, or even sifting through the good and bad of your experiences of fatherhood, whatever they are. 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I chat about a busy week, shouting out to my parents, who have been married for forty years, and shouting out to Ro and Neil, who have been married for 13. Ro tells us a bit about their epic road trip over the weekend, and we chat about people on their way, people who are leaving, garden work, and moving house. 

*Naomi guides an lectio divina mediation on 1 Kings 19: 11-13, reading from the Voice translation.

(If you want to skip to this, it’s at 09:50, but don’t skip the intro because you’ll miss the gardener and his whipper snipper!) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

I pray this week that you feel the expansiveness and promise of God’s love for you. 

Much love,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #36- Lectio Divina on the theme of peace with Ro


Hi beloveds, 

I’m getting the podcast out after a day of unpacking at our new house, as well as a bit of puzzle time with Christy. Good times. 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

*Ro and I chat about the week, including a labyrinth, moving strong people, and singing our hearts out.

*Ro guides a Lectio Divina meditation on the theme of peace. 

She reads from Ezekiel 37:26-27, Philippians 4:6-7, John 14:27, Romans 5:1, and Romans 15:13. (If you want to skip to this, it’s at 07:47, but don’t skip the intro because there are night sounds! Night sounds!) 

Here’s a shot of the labyrinth Joshua made at Shekina Garden.

Here’s a shot of the labyrinth Joshua made at Shekina Garden.

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

I pray that this would be a week of many, many tiny beautiful things for you.

Much love,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #34- Lectio Divina on Psalm 19: 1-3 with Ro


Hi beloveds, 

We’ve had rain! It’s glorious. 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

*In the introduction, I chat a bit about fences, climbing plants, and community lunch. (Next week Ro will be back for the introduction- yay!)

* Ro guides a Lectio Divina on Psalm 19:1-3. (If you want to skip to this, it’s at 06:07.) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

This week, let’s take some time to wander and see the things that God has made. Clouds, dirt, ants, and giant beetles are some things I saw today.

Much love,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #33- Lectio Divina on Psalm 69: 13-18 with Mili


Hi dear ones, 

It’s Mother’s Day in some parts of the world- happy Mother’s Day! I pray that you and the mothers in your lives are surrounded by mercy. 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

*In the introduction, chat a bit about what has been going on around here.

* Mili guides a Lectio Divina on Psalm 69:13-18. (If you want to skip to this, it’s at 05:15.) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Many blessings,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #32- Lectio Divina on Psalm 23 with Mili.


Hi beloveds, 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

*In the introduction, I share a little about the beginning of the new season. 

* Mili guides a Lectio Divina on Psalm 23. (If you want to skip to this, it’s at 06:26, but don’t skip the introduction because I love you!) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Surround one another with kindness this week, friends. 

Many blessings,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you! Special thanks this week to our new patron, Anne!

Episode #31- Lectio Divina on Psalm 34: 1-8 with Rae


Hi beloveds, 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

*Neil and Ro chat about getting back to Pai, garden projects, and a quiet book club. 

* Rae guides a Lectio Divina on Psalm 34:1-8. (If you want to skip to this, it’s at 06:11, but don’t skip the introduction because you won’t get to hear a lizard making his podcast debut!)

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Be warmed by love this week, friends. 

Many blessings,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #29- Lectio Divina on Matthew 11: 25-30 with Neil


Hi beautiful ones, 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

*I chat a bit about the quiet season of Pai, as well as talking about worry and its phantom suffering.

* Neil guides a lectio divina meditation on Matthew 11:25-30. (If you want to skip to this, it’s at 05:30, but don’t skip the introduction because it is pinker than a flamingo!) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

My brother, sister-in-law, and two nieces are still with us! I’m a blessed girl. Today we have plans to go and play water in the streets for Thai New Year. I pray that this week, you find a way to play!

Many blessings,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. This week we want to welcome our new patron with a big thank you! Thank you Alecia Zoccoli! You are wonderful. xo

Episode #28- Lectio Divina on 1 John 3: 1-3 with Rae


Hi meditators! 

It’s been an eventful week, and here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and Neil chat about their week, with the music of cicadas, many birds, and a duck in the background. They also give a shout out to Warm Heart Community in Mexico City, who listens to our podcast every week. Don’t forget to let us know if you are listening by yourself or with a group! 


* Rae guides a meditation on 1 John 3: 1-3. (If you want to skip to this, it’s at 05:19, but don’t skip the introduction because it is not soggy toast!) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

 This week I have family visiting and it’s the most wonderful thing. I’m praying that this week you are surrounded by love. 

Many blessings,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free.

Episode #26- Lectio Divina on Mark 10:17-27 with Neil


Hi everyone, it’s been a good week!

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I chat about Chinua coming home, veggie beds and trench digging, paper writing, and heading down south. 

* Neil guides a Lectio Divina on Mark 10: 17-27. (If you want to skip to this, it’s at 09:01, but don’t skip the introduction. You’ll miss my hoarse voice from the smoke!) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

And here’s the photo we mentioned, of our friend Amanda preparing for her meditation group. Don’t forget to send pics if you’re using the podcast for your practice or group.


I pray that this is a week of inspiration toward action. 

Much love,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free.